Wild Birds in my Garden

This winter I have had quite a few Blackbirds, 1 Thrush, 2 Robins [ male and female], 6 collered doves, 4 wood pigeons, 3 Wagtails different colours, 2 Magpies about 3 dozen or more Starlings all fighting to have a bath in the water bowl I had put down for them, and a Squirrel who chewed through plastic that was holding my peanut holder on to my washing line, the holder fell to the ground, the squirrel managed to get the top of holder and ate all the peanuts.  It was so funny to see the Starlings fighting over water and the Squirrels antics to get at the peanuts, and not forgetting my Drake.  I tried to take photo's of all the birds but the camera on my phone did'nt allow me to zoom in on the birds as I was standing in the kitchen door way.  The drake did pose for picture as I was almost right up to it.