Mis-identified birds

There seems to be no way to report if you have mis-identified birds when posting your results, eg; I thought I had seen tree sparrows on the bgbw but on reading another post here i've found out they were actually reed buntings, which are totally new to my garden.  I had tried using the bird identifier on the rspb main site but this was useless, even tried e-mailing their help section but the e-mail couldn't get through for some reason. 

Unfortunately my main bird reference books at the moment are an ancient (1972) Readers Digest Book of British Birds and a Collins Nature Guide of British Garden Birds.  The RD book hasn't got actual photos, just sketches which don't give a good picture of what the birds actually look like and the Collins book was just for garden birds and didn't include Reed Buntings, even though I understand they increasingly feed from garden bird tables. 

It looks like i'll have to invest in a really good, comprehensive bird identifier book.  Any suggestions?

Puffins and Robins Rule

  • May I recommend either the RSPB Pocket birds book for Britain and europe, or the collins bird guide second edition a costly book but worth it for the number of sketches and information about all of Europe's birds. 

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