Observations & warnings

I enjoyed seeing the photos posted recently especially the long-tailed tits on the peanuts - I had run out but they also enjoy fat balls & fat cakes.  I was surprised and alarmed, though, to see so many people still using the nets that come with fat balls.  We are warned to remove these as the poor birds may catch their feet in them.  Please be aware of this and remove before putting food out.

Concerned lady

  • We echo your concerns Pauline and we do not sell any of our products with mesh bags. We have seen many birds injured through getting entangled with the nylon mesh. We have a warning in our bird feeding literature and on our website.

    If you do buy fat balls with mesh bags dispose of them safely (burning them prevents the plastic posing a threat to wildlife when it reaches landfill) and please consider writing to the retailers asking them to consider stopping the sale of mesh bags with fat balls.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.