Wren's [this is probably the wrong place to put this, but I have just joined so please bare with me And maybe put it where it should GO.

I live in Cornwall we only have a small Patio area with raised flower beds around the sides, and we see a Wren everyday making him/her-self busy darting around the flower Pots etc, It is as if the bird is playing hide & seek either on it's own or with me as I watch it darting aboutand then as if to say I have had enough it fly's off, All during December the bird visited the the raised flower beds and still comes now even today it was there.

Geordie the Birdman

  • Gordie, I like yourself have only just joined,you are lucky, we had about 3 wrens last Autumn flitting about the property ,following the wife as she tended her garden,but alas since we had the harsh winter , we have not see any at all ,even on the weekends garden watch.

    And only last year a neighbor had 14 wrens in an old hanging basket roosting there over the winter , It was great counting them in when it was just about dark.

    Work is for those people that don't Bird-watch!!!!  

  • I too had wrens living in old hanging baskets. Too lazy to take them down - but then, seems to have been a good idea in the end!

    Perhaps we should start a trend - leave your old hanging baskets up for the wrens!

    The previous year bumble bees took up residence in one old basket (see a pattern here?). I went to move it to clear it out for re-planting and it buzzed, very loudly! Carefully moved it into a tree and left them alone.

    The year before that the bumbles took over the tits nesting box next to the kitchen window - they just came and went all day, didn't bother anyone. Was great to watch, even sitting underneath them with a cuppa!
