Garden Bird Watch - Robin is in charge

The robin took charge of the new feeder and patrolled between feeders on 2 trees chasing away the blue tits and great tits. However when the long tailed tits arrived  he did not chase them - are they too aggressive for him?
I have a pheasant who also patrols the garden - another appeared last week but flew off after a short fight with the usual one. A wild rabbit came into the garden and while I did the watch much to my surprise. Alas I also have grey squirrels but use feeders they cannot get into. Last spring they took the young of a blackbird and nipped the neck of the mother - so sad.  On occasion badgers come through the garden in the night and set off the security lights.

I use a circular fat ball feeder with a shiny ,slippery  top surface so  the large birds and squirrels canot stand on it.  Also seed and meal worm feeders.

  • Robins are not usually intimidated by other small birds, and long-tailed tits are not that aggressive either. It may simply be a case of the robin not feeling that they were a threat or he may have had other things on his (or her) mind.


    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • i have also noticed very agressive behaviour,but from female blackbirds. when temperatures dropped drastically,a female blackbird took up residence in my small bird area and proceeded to attack any blackbird that entered and on one occasion very violently.

    Ceglia said:

    The robin took charge of the new feeder and patrolled between feeders on 2 trees chasing away the blue tits and great tits. However when the long tailed tits arrived  he did not chase them - are they too aggressive for him?
    I have a pheasant who also patrols the garden - another appeared last week but flew off after a short fight with the usual one. A wild rabbit came into the garden and while I did the watch much to my surprise. Alas I also have grey squirrels but use feeders they cannot get into. Last spring they took the young of a blackbird and nipped the neck of the mother - so sad.  On occasion badgers come through the garden in the night and set off the security lights.

    I use a circular fat ball feeder with a shiny ,slippery  top surface so  the large birds and squirrels canot stand on it.  Also seed and meal worm feeders.