The big Supermarket carpark birdwatch

I work weekends at a local supermarket on the carpark, which made it frustrating for me to spend an hour in my garden, so I decided to do a count whilst at work as I helped open the store. It was fun to do and took my mind off my long day ahead, it also opened my eyes to how birds adjust to there ever changing enviroments. The birds took advantage of the hour before the store opened, as if they were wearing a watch they soon disapeared as the cars began to arrive into the carpark, only to return later on in the day at closing time once the carpark was emptying. I was wondering if anyone else out there counted birds at there works, whilst either working or on there lunch breaks?

Between 9am-10am i counted

12 Starlings/18 common crow/6 house sparrow/5 pied wagtails/2 pigions/2 doves/1 magpie/1 blackbird/      1 carrion crow




Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
Albert Einstein