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Flail cutting of hedges

At present any body can set themselves up as a 'Farm Hedge Maintenance Co.' ,with absolutely no knowledge about this vital wildlife asset ,which they can, and do, virtually destroy. The ecology of the hedge row is not taught consequently the 'flat topping' of hedges goes on and on,hasher it seems, every year thus denying wild life their natural food sources, from field mice to spiders ,birds to butterflies ,you have all seen it. How can we prevent or mitigate this destruction? I suggest that everyone that operates a flail cutter has to attend a certificated short course on 'The ecology of the hedgerow" and they receive a 'Licence to Operate.( Hedge cutting) Another suggestion is ,instead of flat-topping hedges ,they should be 'pyramid trimmed' leaving a thick base  along with much more height, thus giving better cover and possibly even allowing food sources  to recover. Only the Government can bring in measures which are desperately needed if our wildlife and country side are to be preserved, so I urge you to write to your M.P.s to address this issue with the appropriate Minister .