
Can anyone help, with the amount of Feral Pigeons, that come to our garden everyday, they sit on the roof, at the moment there is about 20, they also eat all our ground feeding birds food, especially the Robins and Blackbirds, i have a ground guard, to prevent pigeons but they still get in there,  the starlings come over and flick all the seed out of the ground table, then the pigeons are waiting to gobble all that up, they eat anything and hang on any small feeders we have especially for the small birds. 

they are driving me mad, and im forever cleaning up there mess,

i just want them to fly off somewhere else ?



S Cripps

  • Hi marco I have the same problem,I stopped them hanging on the feeders by buying 2 cheap wire hanging baskets tying them upsidedown together like a globe with the feeder hanging inside.

    I now get the smaller birds that don't like hanging on the feeders like the chaffinches & blackcap,sitting on the wire basket & helping themselves instead of groundfeeding.

    I also put the bits for the blackbirds etc under my waterfeature that has ornaments round it with gaps big enough for blackbirds not pigeons.

    It hasn't got rid of the pigeons completely but has helped a lot! shaz

  • HI Wood


    hanks for your reply, i will try the wire hanging baskets, its great to get different ideas, When i go out to filll up the feeders, all the pigeons are waiting, i try to get out early as poss to feed the blackbirds as there are normaly about 8-9 waiting early morning for there feed. The robins 3-4 of them are all ticking in different directions around the garden are also waiting for early feed, but the pigeons still beat me.

    i spent most of my Saturday afternoon cleaning up the pigeons mess, With my budgie Marco (thats where i got my name for this from) watching and sort of laughing at me through the window.


    cheers again

    S Cripps

  • Pigeons and wood pigeons seem to eat everything! But they're quite jittery and nervous - so I open the door nearest them and they fly off, whilst the more familiar visitors stay or come back sooner. Also I sprinkle seed etc in amonst the lower lying bushes so that the little ones can get in but the big pigeions not so easily. It is depressing seeing the pigeons scoffing everything, but I suppose they need to survive too? ! Using hanging suet feeders is good too - I haven't seen an upside down pigeon yet!