Missing birds

Very disappointed by my hour today.  We normally have 8+ assorted tits, blackbird pair, greenfinches, wren but yet again feral cat was lurking till chased off and the birds seem to sense when this creature is around and don't come to feed.  I agree there should be space on the form to list regular visitors who do not visit during the hour.

  • Chirpy said:

    Very disappointed by my hour today.  We normally have 8+ assorted tits, blackbird pair, greenfinches, wren but yet again feral cat was lurking till chased off and the birds seem to sense when this creature is around and don't come to feed.  I agree there should be space on the form to list regular visitors who do not visit during the hour.

    Do agree. It would be good to have a comments section to add "normal sitings". We regularly have up to 8 goldfinches throughout the year - but none during my count hour. We've recently sighted up to 4 chaffinches which are new to our garden, but none this weekend.   York

  • Same here, today the birds are out in force as usual.

  • We had a similar problem to many who've already written.  Not many of the usual birds paid us a visit (West Lothian) during the gloomy late afternoon hour that we were watching. What a shame our flock of a dozen or so Redpolls did not fly in as they very occasionally do.

    All we saw were 3 blackbirds, a robin, 2 dunnocks and 1 female chaffinch.  No sign of our regular blue tit pair or the 4 sparrows or 6 starlings that are regulars on our feeders.  The one and only thrush that was a daily visitor in 2009/10 has disappeared which is very sad.  I wonder what happened to it.

    Katy Lou