Species Count

Although not a large number of any one bird; max 5 Goldfinches, a new record for this garden for variety. A total of 18 different species (nothing unusual recorded).

Great Tit; House Sparrow; Wood Pigeon; Green Finch; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Black Headed Gull; Green Woodpecker; Magpie; Robin; Dunnock; Goldfinch; Blue Tit; Starling; Collard Dove; Chaffinch; Feral Pigeon/Rock Dove; Carrion Crow; Blackbird

2010 = 4

2009 = 13

  • Well it was my first year but I saw 15 different species which is a record for me to see in one hour.

    1. Blackbird
    2. Blackcap *
    3. Blue Tit
    4. Bullfinch *
    5. Coal Tit
    6. Dunnock
    7. Goldcrest *
    8. Goldfinch
    9. Great Tit
    10. Greenfinch
    11. Magpie
    12. Redwing *
    13. Startling
    14. Wood pigeon
    15. Wren

    I've put a star * by those in the scarcer birds list. The surprise guest for me was the Redwing. Haven't seen one since December but it came and perched near the top of my birch tree for about 5 minutes.

    I had a horrible 15 minute lull in the middle where I didn't see any birds at all. After that a couple of blue tits returned and then the Goldcrest. This usually only comes out when the bigger birds have disappeared.

    Missing from my hour were Jays, collared doves, and a robin, all of which are usually around every day.