best vistior in garden .

my best vistior in my garden would have to be the goldcrest he is so cute and when ever he comes in the garden he flys down to my pool and has a little bath .

  • Although we live in a suburban area on the fringes of London, we are within a mile or so of the Kent countryside.

    We have a good selection of Sparrows, Dunnocks, Siskins,Green Finches, Chaffinches, Blue and Great Tits, Robins, Wood Pigeons, Collared Doves, Blackbirds, Parakeets, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, a Mistle Thrush and a 'hoard' of starlings.  However, the occasional Sparrow Hawk is rather nice except when taking a Sparrow, and the Heron except not good with the fish pond.

    But I think our favourite regular visitors are the Goldfinches - usually one or two at a time, but a couple of weeks ago we had five.


  • so happpy today about to give up on the nyjer seed after putting it out for 2 months a flock of 10 goldfinch came  hope they come back tomorrow .

  • Although we don't get that number, like you our Nyger seeds were up for at least 4 months without any visits and we were just about to give up on them, when we had first one and then two that have turned into a family I think.

  • Like Mark, my best spot was a Redpoll.  I think they are pretty unusual here in North Wales so quite chuffed (choughed??) really.

    Gald I did my spot on Saturday morning because Sunday morning the usual suspects never turned up!!  Probably sleeping off all the food put out the day before by everyone.

  • I think my best would have to be the Waxwings as it's the first time I'd ever seen them

  • Had my annual visit from the Waxwing family yesterday, around 25 in a neighbour's tree. I only see them once year, for less than an hour, then they move on. But that sound makes the hairs on my neck stand up.

  • My favourite visitors are the starlings.  I love all the noises they make and watching them all flock to the feeders.  I've just put up some sunflower hearts and i'm going to invest in some nyger seed to see if I can attract goldfinches.

    I work in a hospital, and was having the rare luxury of sitting outside for my lunch when a greenfinch landed on tree nearby.  I was totally amazed to see it so close and its the first time i've seen one locally :)