gold finch and dunnocks

Today, during the BGBW,  I saw for the first time in the garden's holly tree, a single gold finch and a pair of dunnocks.  I have not seen any sparrows, of any kind, for ages, so I was tickled pink! I should add that my very small garden leads straight from the pavement, off the road, halfway up a hill in the urban environment of Crystal Palace. The garden runs alongside the house, and although my flat is upstairs, the front door opens onto the side passage that runs the length of the garden. In the garden adjacent at the back, is a large sycamore tree, and a forest of other trees including a huge oak, which hosts many birds, including tawny owl, tree creepers, and nut hatch to name but three. The place is alive with birds which especially like the renewed [and squirrel proof, I hope,] bird feeders.