
We've had a second sighting of a male brambling in the garden, first seen on Friday. I know they are normnally in flocks. Anyone else seen one in West Cheshire?

  • Hi, we live in Dorset and this is the first year we have had Bramblings to our seed hanger, they come to our garden every day and normally there are between four to five pairs at any one time, i would like to know if anybody else has seen them.







  • Up here in NEEng we have had loads in since the snow arrived at end Nov. They did reduce in nos start of last week when only had 4 visiting at a time. Back up to the too many to count nos!!

    Fantastic birds + love the way they feed on the ground or at the feereds.

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!