Something special!

It almost never fails.

If you sit down and observe a wild area over a period of time, something you don't normally see pops up. 

Today - the garden birdwatch started very slowly. Sometimes the garden was completely empty, then in moments a small gang of tits would pass through. 

Then 10 mins before the hour was over a Sparrowhawk flopped over the fence and landed on a stick. It sat there looking bemused just 10 feet from me before flopping off over the other side. The tits were still all hanging around and seemed to have scarcely noticed it.

What a nice surprise!


  • I saw a sparrowhawk catching a starling in my front garden back in the summer. I didn't have time to get my camera but snapped it quickly with my mobile. It didn't turn out that good but I was stunned to see it! A beautiful bird but I wouldn't want to be a starling!!