Not a garden

as such but a bit of grass by the building car park. Put up feeders on an overgrown plant that's been left to grow wild.

I was away for a few weeks there and quickly refilled the feeders in time for the BGW. What a surprise I got this morning.

7 lesser Redpolls came, mainly eating the niger seeds.Didn't stay for long as someone starting up a car spooked them off.

Others were

 2 Goldfinches

3 blue tits

1 Dunnock

1 Magpie

2 Blackbirds

1 Grey Wagtail

3 pigeons

1 Robin



  • Wow what a lovely surprise!! We don't have lesser redpolls around here  - lovely little birds. You did well!

  • What a pity you don't see them. Hope you get to one day.

    Chirpy little critters that let you quite near them some times.

    More interested in food than anything else this time of year :)



  • Sounds exciting.  I have an urban  back yard with a few containers - not really a garden.  Saw the blackbird pair that often visit - and counted the fly over of a pigeon, a crow and a magpie.   Mostly see seagulls at the moment but don't thin kthey count as a garden bird by any stretch of the imagination!

  • Keep your eyes peeled. You just never know what will pop up.

    It's good to know others are out there doing their bit when they don't have a garden as such.

    No such thing as a "seagull" so I was told :)

    Some Gulls do visit gardens but they don't count as you say.



  • Lol - you are right - Seagulls don't exist as such - what most people refer to as a seagull is actually a Herring Gull - the big grey and white ones who are very cheeky! I get the odd one in my garden and actually did have him in when I was doing my count - there's a box for him on the less common birds page, so I counted him!

    I saw the Redpolls on holiday once in North Yorkshire - I was dead chuffed!

  • I think we just say "seagulls" as a collective as a few of us are hopeless at iding gulls, like myself. :)

    The obvious are easy like Black Headed Gulls, Yellow Legged Gulls, Herring Gulls, then gulls go and change their plummage which totally throws me off except for the BHG. LOL

    It's a shame you can't count all the birds that visit the garden or feeding station in whatever locale, I reckon they want to know how the smaller birds are doing through the winter. I didn't know about the less common bird page. I'll need to have a peek in there. :)

  • Maggie, I'm sure when I was putting my results in, at the bottom of the page where I entered the numbers for sparrow and robins etc, there was a link to go the less common birds page or just skip that and continue. Will double check when I do my Mums results!

    Aah - just checked - it's the "scarcer species" page.

  • Thanks Lyn. Had to pop out for a few messages there. Will do this now.