pheasant visitor

I have had a hen pheasant in the garden for seven weeks. She waits for me to put out the food for her and other birds (suet pellets, mixed seeds, porridge oats (uncooked!) and is much more tame than any other birds. Has she comes to stay or will she be off when Spring is sprung? The nearest farmland is  400 yards away but any shoot would be much further. I am in Hale Barns, Cheshire. My garden is approx one third of an acre. I would be interested in any observations.

  • Hi, I have had a male pheasant living in my neighbours and my garden for the last 3 months, he used to have a mate, but their are four cats living in the four terrist houses so maybe she got into trouble, or maybe the amount of snow we had got to her.  I think that because the four gardens have fish ponds he likes the area for the water, shelter and the food we all put out for the birds, this gives him an easy life throuth such harsh times.

  • We also had a pheasant visitor to the garden today.  I knew it was on its way up the garden path because my dog barked at it from the bedroom window and promptly fell of the bed in excitement!

    The pheasant was pecking at the fallen seeds from the bird feeder and then discovered where the supply was coming from and was jumping up and down to try and get his beak in the feeder.  It was hilarious :)

  • I had 3 male pheasants in the garden when the snow was on the ground.  One of them is now a regular visitor, often sitting on the table and shouting for me if I'm late with the feed. So long as I pretend I haven't seen him I can go within a metre of him without him flying away.  The smaller birds are not at all deterred by his presence and he will often stay for hours.  Occasionally he brings a friend but I haven't seen 3 together since the snow melted.

    Needless to say he was a no-show when I was doing the birdwatch count this morning.

  • We have a male pheasant come in our garden every day, several times a day. He knows that there is always seed under the tree that has fallen from some of my seed feeders hanging from it, plus I put him some out on the ground. He is always there for his breakfast and then comes again 2 or 3 times throughout the day. He stays in the garden for ages, just mooching around in the bushes and doesnt fly off unless you accidentally get very close to him! We are surrounded by fields and live in a very rural area in Oxfordshire so feel very lucky to have him. We have lived here since Sept and he rarely misses a day. I am not sure about Spring as havent had one here yet, so I hope he does stay!

  • We have 3 male pheasants that come to our garden every day, one of whom is waiting outside to be fed first thing every morning. I call them all Sidney although they all look very different(I'm just lazy!). They have a harem of females that live in the fields nearby, but they only come to the garden when their eggs have hatched. Last year, one of them brought her chicks through the garden everyday which was an absolute delight. You may find that she nests very near to you, in which case you could be lucky too! Fingers crossed for you :)

    Some may think I spend too much time looking out of the window....