more species

I have submitted my survey but since then I have had another two species in my garden can I re-enter a new count

  • it is very flawed.what if,say in the hour robins dont arrive?when i know they are in my garden ALL the time!


  • LOL - I know what you mean - our usual robin and great tit didn't turn up until after we'd submitted our results!

  • Glad I'm not the only person whose regular visitors failed to show.  No great tits, no coal tits, no more than 3 blue tits at any one time and the pheasant who has practially taken root in my garden chose today to go AWOL.  Most surprising was the sighting of a lone jackdaw - they usually arrive by the dozen.  SIGH  On the plus side a song thrush did pop by for a drink.

  • A lot of no shows for me too. Usually have lots of Goldfinchs and Siskins but saw only one of each during my hour. No Bramblings, Sparrows or Dunnocks showed up and even the Starlings were few and far between. Best turnout was Blue Tits with 11 closely followed by Chaffinchs with 10.


    What a difference from last month when we had over 50 Chaffinchs on the ground competing with half a dozen Bramblings (seen for the first time in our garden) and Sparrows and Dunnocks while a dozen or so each of Goldfinchs and Siskins battled it out with the Blue Tits for the sunflower hearts.