Can we split the hour ?

Sorry to complicate things - I'm just wondering if the hour can be split, or does it confuse everything ?

It's just that I've noted different species seem to come into the garden at different times of day - for example, six pheasants come into the garden at early dawn, then during the rest of the day it's the very occasional one or two. 


Thanks for your help !

  • I would imagine not since if you could split it into two you could split into sixty one minute sessions, each one starting every time a new species arrives. But I'm no authority and only guessing here.

  • Thats my understanding too - it is a snapshot in that hour.  For example I didnt get my usual pair of Collared doves - just the one and now the other has arrived, no sign of woodpecker, goldcrest, wren, starling, bullfinch, greenfinch, blackcap, thrush etc......still they may have been in someone else's garden during that hour!  And if you keep waiting for them to arrive - it is not a "snapshot".  I guess you could decide not to submit your first snapshot - if you thought that the next hour would be a better reflection of your usual visitors?  But cant include any sightings

    Syntarsus said:

    I would imagine not since if you could split it into two you could split into sixty one minute sessions, each one starting every time a new species arrives. But I'm no authority and only guessing here.

    for the first then!