Newbie! What bird is this?

Hi everyone!  I'm new to this site and to the whole scene of bird watching.  I've got loads of different feeds up in the garden and thoroughly enjoy watching all the different birds that come in the garden.  I'm quite surprised after reading some posts how rare starlings seem to be as they are the most common in my garden, but I've never seen a woodpecker, red poll or greenfinch in my garden, obvioulsy geographical I suppose. 

I've took some photos this morning and I'm not sure what bird it is.  Can anyone help?  As I say, I'm new and the fun is in identifying them so I'll have a go and think its a Jackdaw? 



I also snapped a lovely cute robin :)

  • Hi Lisa

    Like you I am new to bird watching. I would take a guess that your visitor was a Jackdaw but don't know for sure.

    I keep hearing from my sister what a pest Starlings are, but I love watching them. They are in and out of my garden every day. It's quite exciting when 30 of them decend upon the feeders. What a ruckus!

    I had 4 goldfinch today but not feeding.  I have seen one on it's own a few times. I hope this means they may become regular visitors.

    Keep having fun!

    Recently moved and am looking forward to creating a garden that will attract wildlife

  • Hi Lisa .. it is a Jackdaw (and a cheeky one having a go at feeders Lol) they normally feed on floor or tables.

  • Thank you for welcome!  Its the first time I've seen them so was really excited :)