Birdwatching at caravan parks, can you birdwatch as a group?


I am currently the intern for native wildlife at Flamingo Land, Malton, North Yorkshire. I am hoping to get the permanent residents of our caravan park involved with the big garden birdwatch. I'm not sure how much internet access our residents have, and it would also be useful for us to have a copy of all of their data. I would like to be able to collate our data and submit it as one section, would I just have to combine the area of all the gardens taking part, or would I have to submit each garden separately?


Thank you for your time, 

Natasha Hambly 

  • Hi am not sure if you can submit on a large scale such as that for BGBW, however the BGBW results are also fed back to the the British Trust of Ornithology for their records as well.

    If you visit and register there the watch area you can choose / allocate yourself is larger and as such allows multiple submission.

    Although i personaly do BGBW i have also set up an area on the BTO site which covers most of my street and the park at the back of our gardens (from memory the area is 1sq km), as such others can join this patch and submit their results when ever they wish. Its not then just restricted to the BGBW weekend.

    I would then presume that as you have permanent residents at the caravan park doing this on a more regular basis may suit you as well.

    Hope it helps
