Complete this statement... 'When I do Big Garden Birdwatch, I hope to see...'

...long-tailed tits.

They have to be one of my favourite birds, and I really hope that I get a family of them during my hour birdwatch :)

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  • Unknown said:

    ...long-tailed tits.

    They have to be one of my favourite birds, and I really hope that I get a family of them during my hour birdwatch :)

    Unknown said:

    ...long-tailed tits.

    They have to be one of my favourite birds, and I really hope that I get a family of them during my hour birdwatch :)

    Im have only just joined , but I love all the small birds , my small garden has many visiters , many  starlings, one very protective robin a regular , some tits not many sparrows is this normal for this time of year, I am still a novice.


    love our feathered friends, they bring so much pleasure.

  • Waxwings as I have only seen them once!  We have had siskins, redpolls, redwings and bramblings in the garden since the cold weather started in December so I am hoping that these may turn up as well.


  • more than one of our woodpeckers!  We have a male and a female who visit the peanuts regularly and another smaller, brighter male that I think is last year's chick.

    Starlings are ten a penny here (in season, which it is now!) as are the great tits but I love to see a good variety of our resident and visiting birds.

    As we move through the universe may we leave as light a touch as a butterfly wing on the fabric of the environment.

  • Hi Lucinda,

    the birds that visited our garden on Saturday between 12.30 and 13.30.

    First up G S Woodpecker

    Next came Mr and Mrs Bullfinch,

    Then Long Tailed Tits

    Now that would be a result,


  • ....anything slightly-out-of-the-ordinary for my garden! (I mostly only get the usual species that everyone sees on a daily basis!)

  • Goldcrests, after being regular visitors in 2009 havnt seen one in the garden for all of last year.

  • I hope we get the long tailed tits as well,we have a family who seem to have been regulars the last month,7 on the feeder and table the last count.Also Mr and Mrs Spotted wood pecker and our bandit Nuthatch both have been regulars over this hard winter.Although we did have a visit last week from a brambling and  black cap.Is a brambling a rare sight for the welsh valleys?

  • Long tailed tits

    Have had a wee family through the garden quite a few times since Aug which is wonderful. Just wish that they would find the feeders + come more often. So they are top of the not often seen in my garden wish list!!

    Have had v ocassional visits from GSWoodpecker, nuthatch, goldcrest, treecreeper + red squirrel so if any of them popped in I'd be thrilled!!

    Or if it gets cold again might see reed bunting, yellowhammer, redpoll. All visited in the snow!!

    Happy just to have an excuse to watch the birds for an hour, eachof them makes the day more colourful!!

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • More birds than planes this year.. house sparrows would be nice.

  • i hope to see the goldcrest only seen him 2 times this year also i would like to see the gold and greenfinches come back