Distinguishing tree and house sparrows

Hiya All, (I'm new here)

I've recently moved to a very rural area, which is mostly arable farmland and a few fallow fields with horses.  (Vale of White Horse).

I'm getting a lot of sparrows to our feeders (+ other birds) and I'm wondering if any of them are tree sparrows, I've looked at the pictures but they don't stay around long to see the beaks or details on the heads (I don't have a camera) as the starlings frighten them off and they flit off as soon as I go out or a car comes down the lane.

There are some house sparrows there, as I can see the females,  is there a specific thing I can look for to try to tell the two apart?  Is the head cap always just brown on the tree sparrow?  Is there a difference in size?

I'd like to crack this nut before the weekend so I can fill my survey in confidently.





  • HI Anna , I think that the tree sparrow  has a brown cap on his head, brown patches on the neck  and on the cheeks you should be able to see black patches. The tree sparrow makes the same kind of call as the house sparrow, apart from when it takes flight it makes a sharp 'tic' sound. I think sizewise they are about the same. If anything the tree sparrow may be a little bit bigger but not much. I am sure if I am not correct someone will help you who has more bird experience than me. but I hope this helps you CFAH X