amazing range of birds seen

I have always loved birdwatching although i havent really done it seriously for many years but, in the last week i have seen more new birds than ive seen in all my years of watching.

I've seen:-  long tailed tit, redwing, chaffinch, blackcap, nightingale and my favourite, just today, waxwings

I am looking forward to taking part in the big garden bird watch and hope to see even more.


  • Hi angel15 and welcome to the forums.

    Seems your post got a bit lost amongst all the others!

    I would love to see some of the birds you seen especially the waxwings.

    I am also getting ready for the Big Garden Birdwatch (got a new feeder coming and some good foodie stuff!)


    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • Hi Rachel,

    I am geting my kind hubby to make a new bird table for me, hopefully in time for the BGBW and im going to make some bird food cakes.  It should be great fun
