New to bird watching

Hi, I've never really been a bird watcher but i have move into a new house in the past couple of months which is right next to woodlands. We get quite a varity of birds in our back garden some of which i have never seen before so i decided to purchase some binoculars and a garden bird species book. So far the birds i have identified are as follows

Sparrow, Wren, Blackbird, Robin, Fieldfare, Blackcap or Marsh Tit, Blue Tit, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Dunnock, Feral Pigeon, Gold Finch, Great Tit, RedPoll, Redwing, Starling, Tree Creeper.

I have seen other species but i have not identified what they are yet. I do hear a lot of woodpeckers although i have not seen one yet.

  • hi ademac70

    if you are not sure what a bird is that u have seen in your garden then u can tell other people buy posting if you could not get a picture of the bird then just discribe what it looks like then other will reply and can help u identify the bird a look quicker then looking though books .


  • Hi Ademac 70


    Welcome to the world of bird watching, BUT! Has anyone warned you how addictive bird watching is? iThe symptoms are always having a pair of binoculars around your neck, a notebook and pen in hand and a good bird watchers guild in arms reach. In the real bad cases, you find that you start keeping a Diary of the birds that you  have seen. The only curer is I am sorry to say is to enjoy. lol!



    My Flickr. Photos link HERE

  • Hi Ademac70,

    What a great garden bird list you've got. And after only a couple of months, too!

    You might also like to try our bird identifier for those harder to identify birds.

    Best wishes

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