top 3 garden birds

my top 3 garden birds will have to be

1. black cap

2. songthrush

3. wren

comment back what are ur top 3 garden birds ?????

  • In the past two days my garden has been extremely busy with a wide varity of birds. I guess it must be the milder weather that is bringing them out.

    The birds i have noticed are

    Blue Tits, Coal tits, Great Tits, Long tail Tits (pretty little things), Bull finch, Gold Finch, Chaffinch, Dunnocks, Robins, Redwings, Wrens, Blackbirds, Starlings.

    Haven't seen the fieldfare's in a week which is sad as they sat in my berry tree every morning.

    I saw a very small bird which looked like it was climbing my tree but quickly flew off into a bush and i haven't seen it since. The bird was brown in colour with a white coloured belly, anybody know what it could of been.

  • I've just joined and amazed at the variety of birds that can be seen in the garden.  My top 3 visitors are

    1. Starlings

    2. Blue tits

    3. Robin

    I do have a lot of tree sparrows, blackbirds and collared doves as well.  When we had the bad snow, I had a pied wagtail which was amazing to see - never seen it again though!  Last year, I also had a sparrowhawk fly over the garden and into the trees which was an amazing sight as well!

  • My top 3 birds in my garden are

    1. 2 pied wagtails

    2. 2 collor doves

    3. Robin

    i have a range of birds in my garden, but these 3 are the 1st in of a morning.




  • Our favourite garden top three are currently

    1. Goldcrest

    2. Blackcap

    3. Brambling

  • Our garden is almost city centre and about 1.5 miles from the nearest open/park land.  As such we are delighted to see anything!  A programme of feeding has certainly produced an increase in garden visitors over the years.  The top three:

    1. Chiffchaff

    2. Blackcap

    3. Wren (love the Robin though!)

    May the weather be mild for the 29th/30th January! 

  • Most common at this time of year in my garden are

    1. great tits

    2. chaffinch

    3. starlings

    but the rarest have been

    1. treecreeper (seen only once in the very bad weather)

    2. fieldfare (again in the bad weather)

    3. buzzard (not landed in the garden but did land in the field behind it).

    Happy bird counting whichever day / time you choose.

    As we move through the universe may we leave as light a touch as a butterfly wing on the fabric of the environment.

  • My top three visitors (most frequent) are:-




    My Blackcap visitor hangs around all day, he seems to be on his own. Some of those posting seem to have several. How many I wonder. About once a month I have a pair of RN Parakeets, only when the sun is out, so I hope they will drop in next weekend for the Birdwatch :-)

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • Favorite 3:

    1. Goldcrest

    2. Waxwing

    3. Coal Tit / Green & GS Woodpeckers (couldnt decide)


    1. Goldcrest

    2. Nuthatch

    3. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

  • Commonest:

    1. Jackdaws (arrive by the dozen, eat all the food and scare the smaller birds off)

    2. Blue tits

    3. House sparrows


    1. Jay (only seen once during heavy snow )

    2. Long-tailed tits

    3. Song thrush

    For amusement I can't beat the pheasant who sits on the table and shouts if I'm late putting the feed out.   The smaller birds don't seem to mind his presence .

  • We've only been here since October so the birds are still getting used to us putting out food.

    1. Blackbird 

    2. Chaffinch 

    3. Sparrow 

    4. Blue tit

    Sorry I cheated and put 4 but they all come in much the same numbers. 

    At my last house, only a couple of miles away, it was more: 

    1. Chaffinch

    2. Greenfinch

    3. Blue tit 

    4.Swallow  (who ended up nesting in the log shed for the first time)

    5. Sparrow

    6. Great spotted woodpecker (at least 2 pairs!)

    7. Robin (Somehow, TWO!!!)

    It was a bigger, more established garden though. 

    Even had yellowhammers making an appearance. Beautiful! 


    I'm so jealous of all the birds you have all seen. 

    A tip for people who want to attract great spotted woodpeckers, ignore the books, they LOVE peanuts!