top 3 garden birds

my top 3 garden birds will have to be

1. black cap

2. songthrush

3. wren

comment back what are ur top 3 garden birds ?????

  • Hi

    My top 3 garden visitors are

    1 Nuthatch

    2 Bullfinch

    3 Dunnock

  • nice that you get nuthatch and bullfinch in your garden i seen them but never in the garden

  • Hi,

    I moved into my house in 1992 and although i always liked birds i never really took too much notice until fairly recently, so i dont know how long theyve been visiting.  We have some photo's, both the Nuthatch and Bullfinch came to a table/feeder only 2ft from my front room window. i had a Greater S Woodpecker too but every time i got the camera it took off.


  • nice to no that happend to me to when i tryed to take a pic of a male balckcap but it flew of just as i was about to take a pic of it .

  • My top 3 garden visitors are

    1 Greenfinch

    2 Robin

    3 Blackbird


  • nice  i like the greenfinch i get them in the summer in my garden

  • My top 3 visitors are

    Field fare



    The Blue Tit and Coal Tit are very common in our garden

    I'm going to purchase a quality camera to start taking pictures of them which i will post on line

  • ok i will look out for the pic's its nice 2 look at other peoples pic's of birds

  • My top3 garden birds changes all the time.

    Today for frequency                                       For rarety                                                     My Favourites

    1   Brambling                                                  Red Poll                                                     Tree Sparrow (Red Squirrel)

    2   Goldfinch                                                   Nuthatch                                                     Siskin (not seen for ages)

    3   Blue Tit                                                      Yellow hammer                                        Gold Finch

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • Hmm it's a real difficult question. My bottom favourite is much easier and would have to be 1) blackbirds (seem to chase everything else away), 2) blue tits (a bit scruffy and so ubiquitous), and 3) woodpigeons.

    My top 3 could be:

    1. Magpie - colours and long tail make them so beautiful and they're intelligent too. (They don't visit that much although if I could afford to put eggs out all the time I think they'd be pretty regular.)

    2. Goldcrest - has just out-cuted my resident wren

    3. Great Spotted Woodpecker - cool looking and currently my rarest visitor - the only time I saw it on my peanut cake it was quickly chased away by a starling.


    Also rans include jays which look great from above with their wings spread and nuthatch