jack snipe

How common is the jack snipe ? I found a recently dead  bird on the frozen pavement in Wigston. Its eye was still sparkling, but the body was stiff. In the vain hope that body warmth may possibly revive it - and being totally bemused by its strange markings, I put it inside my jacket and continued the dog walk - arriving home some 5 mins later. The bird was unfortunately dead - but perfect in all other senses. From the RSPB book we identified it as a jack snipe. Something I've never previously heard of or knowningly seen.  I post this for the information of others. Spending an hour of my life trying to post a message to anyone within the RSPB who might be interested hasn't been the highlight of my life. Is there no other way that members of the public can ask /receive general information. Another thing - I was asked to nominate a nickname, which I have done - and the first thing I see is my e-mail address.  Should I change my nickname to frustrated or just Mr Angry !!  Also.........whilst I'm here, my wife has 3 years of stamps for the RSPB. Please make my day and post the address to which these should be sent. Thereafter I may be able to get the car in the garage !!

Merry Christmas.

  • Hello

    Welcome to the Community, The Jack Snipe is Smaller than snipe with a shorter bill. It is a secretive bird and when approached it tends to crouch down, relying on its camouflaged plumage, only flying at the last minute. Birds usually arrive in the UK between September and November, leaving again in February and March. It is an Amber listed bird, which means it is a bird of conservation concern (10,000-100,000 birds UK wintering, present from October to March.) It is a winter visitor to the UK and unfortunately can become a casualty of collisions in built up areas (much like the Woodcock). I would suggest this may be the cause of death in this instance.

    There are a number of ways that you can send in stamps:

    •   Send loose stamps to: RSPB Stamps, PO Box 6198, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 9XT Please note, this is the address of our dealer, not an RSPB office, so please do not send any correspondence  - or donations! - to this address, thank you.
    • If you have first day covers, or stamp albums, please send them to: Save the Albatross Stamp Appeal (Special Stamps and Albums), RSPB, The Lodge, Sandy, Beds, SG19 2DL. Please do not send loose stamps here.
    • If you have a large number of stamps, you might like to consider combining delivering them with a visit to one of our nature reserves. Combine fabulous wildlife, a visit to the countryside and help albatrosses all in one go. You are also welcome to drop them off at one of our offices.

    Thank you,


    Why not check out the news from the wildlife enquiries team?

  • hi im new to this my mom said she seen a jack snipe in our garden but i dont no if she is right she said it had a long bill and it was in our pound and we have fish do jake snipe eat fish ?