Poorly Garden Bird - PLEASE HELP if you can

Hello Everyone


I wonder if anyone is able to help please. We have a very poorly bird in our garden which my Dad first noticed about a week ago, maybe a little longer. It looks like it may be a young Robin or possibly a Dunnock and it is covered in some rather grotesque fleshy growths. I have researched wild bird diseases on the internet but have not found anything which displays this type of symptom. We did wonder if it is possibly an injury which has become badly infected. It cannot fly and spends it's time in the back corner of our garden by the bird feeders, hiding in the shrubbery if anyone approaches that area. It seems to be feeding off the ground well enough for the moment at least. None of the other garden birds which visit our feeders have any sign of anything wrong.

I managed to get some photographs today. Sorry they are not pleasant viewing but I really am hoping for some advice from someone who may know what this is. If it is infectious I presume we will need to stop feeding for a period of time so that the birds disperse and the risk of cross infection is minimized.











Any advice please gratefully recieved. Thank you




  • Phone a local  vet or the PDSA.  I think that they treat wild birds free.  Doesn't look good though.

  • Just to say I have already contacted my local wildlife centre and a couple of local vets. I'm quite happy to pay the bill for treatment if necessary, but that's not really the problem and I haven't been able to catch  the little fellow anyway.  So far no-one I have contacted has seen this condition before and my worry is whether or not it is an infectious disease that is likely to spread. We are watching all the birds very closely indeed for any sign - so far nothing, thank goodness.  But if anyone at all has seen this condition before or knows of someone who might have done I would be very grateful for the information.


    Many Thanks

  • Hi Foxtail,

    I would suggest you put your post in the main forum rather than in this group. There are many experts on there who will give you help and advice. Post it in the Wildlife Questions forum.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 10/08/2010 04:23 in reply to Foxtail

    Hi Foxtail

    How awful for the little bird

    IMHO. it looks although it is covered with cysts growths, or worst still cancerous tumours.  I have to say I found it grim to say those words and it rather brings a lump to my throat area - so sad!!!

    I really believe what this little chap is not infectious at all....more that it has the above symptons that I have mentioned.  On a brighter note, I feel that cysts are more likely to be the cause of his problems

    I am not a qualified vet by any means but gut instinct tells me these are the issues going on at the moment. 

    I have been watching to many animal vet programmes if you ask me.


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi Foxtail,

    As I said, there are experts on the main forum pages that don't usually read the threads in this group. This is a link to a recent thread about a similar problem, and you will find your answer here provided by Aiki, along with a link for further information. Hope this helps.


    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Susan H said:

    Hi Foxtail,

    As I said, there are experts on the main forum pages that don't usually read the threads in this group. This is a link to a recent thread about a similar problem, and you will find your answer here provided by Aiki, along with a link for further information. Hope this helps.



    Many thanks Saprrow

    I did initially look into Avian Pox but hadn't found any of this about a complication of it. This is undoubtedly what is wrong and so my garden must go without feeders for a period. I have been in contact with several vets and my local wildlife hospital none of whom had any ideas at all. Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply, especially as I seem to have posted in the wrong place. I must admit I find this forum a little confusing and am never quite sure where to find or post things so thanks for finding me :) 

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 12/08/2010 07:52 in reply to Foxtail

    Hi Foxtail

    Anytime with the help, and I hope that you find out the problems with the bird, and please let us know what they are


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi Foxtail,

    No worries with the help, and I'm pleased you have sorted out what to do next.

    The forum can be confusing for us all, but now you have found the main forum and had a chance to have a browse through all the different threads on there I hope we will be hearing more from you. You will find threads on many different subjects. We are a mixed bunch on there, with some experts on all kinds of subjects,  some beginners, and some in-between! Everyone is friendly, and we like nothing better than to share our experiences, problems, and especially photos!!! We also enjoy a bit of fun with some less serious threads. Please have a good browse and feel free to join in, and I look forward to seeing you over there!!!!!.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 19/08/2010 04:49 in reply to Foxtail

    Hi Foxtail

    Any more news about the bird in question

    Have you found out any more 'illness' news at all?


    Kathy and Dave