Bird identity if possible

Sorry but I never got a picture of this but we had 2 birds on our new bird feeder the other day. At first I thought they were chaffinches, which I would of been pleased about as we have not had any this year so far. But I noticed one of them had a bright red patch on its head. The rest of the colouring seem like that of a chaffinch, maybes not as bold though. Only thing I can think that it could be would be a Lesser redpoll. Linnets have a red chest as well, which this didnt and the Mealy Redpoll had a whitish back which this didnt so I have ruled them out. They were about the size of a chaffinch.

Does anyone have any other ideas?

  • Hi, the thing I find very confussing at this time of year is that the juvenile birds are now as big as the parent birds but havent quite got their proper colouring, so they could have been any of the birds you suggested!!! sorry, not very helpful but worth remembering. When you say it was the same as chaffinch did you mean male or female?