You can see how close the little tit was under the window...looking at me.

 have had these little yellow tits nesting downstairs in my neighbours garden bush and today I noticed one of the parents had been caught by one of the cats and was dead. I buried it.   I am very concerned about what happens to the chicks.  Does the other parent continue to feed them or does he/she grieve and leave the nest? I need to know so I can help them.  I could not believe my eyes this evening, this yellow tit sat right beside me on my window ledge where I could touch it if I had wanted to...It looked into my eyes for 5 minutes and I am not joking..I could see it batting its eyelids and watching me while I talked to it (I must be mad) but I told it that one of its family was gone! (yes I told you it sounds mad but Im so fond of nature).. I have never ever seen a wild beautiful little bird be so close to humans but im more concerned about what I can do to save the chicks if there are any chicks.  I say this because I saw the parents swooping down to the nest every day with tiny maggots in their mouths.  I can't even handle my own cats when they bring live mice into my house..I have to save the mice and put them back out into the field without my cats following me.  Please can you help me calm my poor nerves for these poor little birds... I EVEN MANAGED TO TAKE A PICTURE OF THIS LITTLE BIRD THAT WILL SHOW YOU HOW LONG IT WAITED BY ME.....amazing!