The results are here!


Just thought you'd all like to know that the Big Garden Birdwatch results are now out. Thanks to everyone who took part - we hope you enjoyed your hour.

I wonder if the results match up to what you saw in your garden...?

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  • Hi Lucinda

    Thank for your reply on the other thread.  Should have placed the thread in this area

    Great to see that the results are out.  Was waiting in anticipation to see what was going to be the most popular birds over the less popular birds

    The winter months has changed a lot of things.  I was concerned about many of our birds having a rough ride over the colder months. The GBG results results would tell us a lot about all the survival of the luckiest birds

    We had Redwings in our garden like so many other people and they where a joy to see so up close and personal.  Only had one big wish, and that wish to have Fieldfares in our garden, but another time will be in the future now.  They seen a lot more skittish than Redwings.  Still remember all the clacking calls they produce in defence of their own kind.

    A few more visits from our Wren.  He sat by our Patio door and made his presence known. I placed a little wicker pocket hanger in the bay bush for the this bird to sleep in if the weather became too cold.

    Great to see that Starlings are doing so well along with the Blackbirds.  The House Sparrows are doing well too.

    I feel for the birds in Scotland at the moment being plunged into the deepest winter once more. Hope that they are not going to lose out on any nesting this year

    Love to hear what others say about the subject, and what they experienced in their patch.


    Kathy and Dave

    Unknown said:


    Just thought you'd all like to know that the Big Garden Birdwatch results are now out. Thanks to everyone who took part - we hope you enjoyed your hour.

    I wonder if the results match up to what you saw in your garden...?



  • Thanks for the link to see the Results in full.  I just caught a mention of the results on the BBC News,but it was over before I could gather the full implications.  (Why don't they do a proper say, 5 minute programme on it, after all, they are always looking for stories to fill in time on the 24 News?)

    I was interested to see how other parts of the country had fared in their findings. We have made an extra effort to keep food out all winter for the garden birds, knowing that a lot of them depend on eating properly every single day, so I wasn't sure if this would skew the results in our patch but certainly we have had a lot more birds in total, and even some more unusual ones appearing. (our first year for having Goldfinches regularly, what a treat.  Also had a visiting Fieldfare.)