Unlkie most years for the BGW, the birds have turned up in force this morning! So many flitting round the trees and refusing to sit still that I am having difficult counting! Have had to resort to a photograph! These are nearly all goldfinch I think!
See my Flickr photos here
Wow, that's a lot of counting! I thought it was difficult to be certain I had 4 blue tits in the garden at the same time!
I make it 122 or 123 count LOL !! very well done Christine, wish I got Goldfinch here but only see 3 lol
post edit; in case you wonder how I did it ........ printed out the sheet full page and took a highlighter pen marking them off as I went along lol
Regards, Hazel
Well done Hazy!! You have saved me a job there! I've had one of those weeks this week, and haven't even submitted my GBW results let alone started counting the birds in that tree!
Just one more little job for you - can you separate them out into goldfinch, redpolls and greenfinch please!!!! Ok, that's rather cheeky - only meant as a joke (I think!!!!) I am going to have to lighten it still further and look for smudges of red, green etc!! You should hear all the racket outside the window on a morning (lovely racket though!) Trouble is though, they are so busy fighting for space on the feeders I sometimes wonder whether they are using up more energy than they are eating. But it is only this busy first thing. During the rest of the day the activity is quite constant but in smaller numbers, so hopefully they all get something eventually!
LOL Christine, the count should be fairly accuate at 122/123 as there was one or two I wasn't sure about near the thicker branches and trunk. I'll take another look through my photo editing program to see if I can spot the differences so to speak ! be right back lol
The bulk of them are Goldies as their head markings are visible on most of them when I lighten them but I think there are poss. 2 or 3 x Greenie in there. Hard to see Redpolls but there could again be 3 or 4, its not clear enough for me to see them properly. I'd go with 118 Goldies for a start lol
Thanks Hazy - you've saved me an awful lot of work there! I'll probably put down about 118 goldies! I had at least 40 redpoll on the lawn and feeders at a separate time during the hour. I took photos of them too - poor quality but to help me with counting as they don't stay still for very long!! I did take a few photos on bird count morning but of course never got to post any with the forum being down. Will have to have a sort through after dinner.
Good luck Christine, those Goldies in the tree look spectacular :) what a sight, they must have known you were counting lol I also took photos but from inside so they were pretty bad quality. Thank goodness I did the count on Saturday morning as Sunday was pretty dire with heavy rain all day.