Is this a mistle thrush fledgling?

Can any one advise please.  This bird seems quite friendly and has been in the garden for about 5 days, he has a nice song and seems inquisitive when I am in the garden.  I have seen in the Apple tree (which is where the photos were taken) and also in the hanging bird house also in the apple tree.  He seems to like, fat ball, seeds and strawberries so far and I think he had my first blackberry.

Pictures are not so good but you can see.


 I wondered also if this may be a female black bird fledgling but the speckled breast feathers made me think of thrush.

The bird is about the size of fat female blackbird but the tail I think is shorter.  I think the bird is a fledgling.  The bird is on its own, its main colour is brown, there is some cream colour on its rear end below the tail, I think the legs are grey, not sure, will try and check next time I see the bird.

The bird allowed me to get quite close today.


Look forward to hearing thoughts.