Handling birds

Just after Christmas I was watching the male Bullfinch in my photo feeding on our bird table.  It suddenly took fright and flew into the window of our garage.  It was stunned and fell to the ground, as we have three cats I nipped out and carefully picked it up.  It was very still and floppy but alive with no obvious damage. 

Not really knowing what to do, it was a Sunday so no vets available for advice, we placed it back on the bird table in the weak sun and left it.  We kept watch to see how things would develop (and kept the cats under lock and key) and saw the female come down to it several times.  Slowly the male recovered, staggering around for a bit before flying off after a couple of hours.  We didn't see them for a while and rarely together for a long time and were delighted to see them together again - this photo was taken yesterday.