I usually do my Reception duties at Minsmere in the afternoon. I had a bit of a change on Tuesday January 30th, though, as Limpy had volunteered for a morning slot without realising he had a doctor's appointment at the same time! Guess who covered?
The Visitor Centre birds were out in force:
As close as Mr Blackbird gets to looking angelic.
Mrs Blackbird knows him better than that!
Our National Bird prepares to dive for the food!
I usually see dunnocks scuttling about on the ground so this pose made a nice change.
After finishing for the morning I headed to the Wildlife Lookout:
This gleaming moorhen couldn't be left out.
The beautiful (and rather underrated) male gadwall.
A male shoveler flies across.
This cunning magpie distracted me for so long I almost missed the bittern! I was just in time to see it disappearing into the reeds.
On my way back though the woodland I spotted this cheeky bird.
Woo Hoo! A lovely goldcrest actually stopped moving for once.
I'm celebrating this unlikely occurrence with another photo of it.
The glossy ibis was enjoying the sunshine at Eastbridge.
Finishing with that stunning backside!
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Thanks, Clare. I love the Blackbirds--so handsome despite being 'only black and brown'. Also love the Dunnock, Goldcrest and Glossy Ibis.
Kind regards, Ann