A few from yesterday.

I got to Minsmere nice and early yesterday so that I could have a look at the reedbed before I started my afternoon shift on Reception.  The morning weather was much more grey than forecast, with showers of rain, but the idea of being stuck inside all day on a reserve like this was too awful to contemplate!

It was quiet at the Bittern Hide when I arrived, but that didn't last:

This little egret flew in for a quick potter before heading off again.

Another beautiful fishing bird - happily, this one stayed somewhat longer!

On the pull, marsh harrier style.  There were a few harriers about, behaving similarly.

After a while I left the hide and walked towards Island Mere Hide.  As I came past the adder trail two jays and a green woodpecker flew up from the path ahead - I wasn't quick enough to snap them but I did manage to get this gleaming corvid in the nearby woodland:

That iridescence is so lovely to see!

At Island Mere an old friend appeared:

I have no idea if it's the bird from Bittern Hide but it was certainly lovely to see a kingfisher from both hides!

Ignoring the prancing marsh harriers this mute swan works on its own physical perfection.

As it was coming up to lunch time I headed back to the Visitor Centre via the Whin Hill path - I was almost there when this lovely male caught my attention:

One of my favourite feathered singers, the blackbird.

During the afternoon I tried capturing the feeder birds away from the feeders - this was good fun, and rather trickier than getting them on the feeders!  Here are my best attempts:

Robins are always obliging!

Finishing with a beautiful little blue tit.


Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.