Finally - a warm, dry and sunny day!!

I picked the right day to arrive early for my afternoon Reception shift yesterday - I had a few hours to have a good look at the Scrape in the beautiful weather.  My first sighting, though, wasn't feathered:

A wasp spider!  Always nice to see.

A nice pair of shelducks.

This black-tailed godwit was still sporting its lovely breeding colouring.

The sheen of the lapwing really stood out amongst the avocets.

Caught in mid-sunbathe.

There were a serious number of pied wagtails about.

The dunlins on one of their panicked flyabouts.

They pile in for a mass paddle.

This ruff has such beautiful markings.  I've yet to see one in its full breeding glory.

A lesser black-backed gull flies over.

Avocets are such elegant birds.

Even when they stop to give you a look!

Lapwing landing.  What gorgeous wings!

I wish this curlew had come closer!

I'd run if I had that beak behind me!

Two very contrasting ducks head off for a swim.

A spotted redshank.  I didn't manage to get the one still in breeding plumage.

A lovely young stonechat.  Thanks for the ID help, Monkeycheese and Paul!

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!  I hate having my photo taken!

I love seeing peacock butterflies.  Not least because I can ID them!

What an impressive caterpillar.  Apparently it's a large white.  Or it will be!

A young chaffinch.

Finishing with Phil in diva mood!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.