A beautiful day to follow Storm Doris!

I was bracing myself for Minsmere to be a right old mess following the havoc Doris created yesterday - but mercifully there was surprisingly little damage.  There were twigs and branches all over the place (plus an oak fell across the path between Bittern and Island Mere Hides!) but generally the reserve was in good shape.  My first port of call today was Island Mere Hide - to my pleasure I was serenaded on my way there:

Awwww.  There were lots of robins singing in the woodland today.

These mute swans were clearly making the most of the improved weather.

This mallard was enjoying the view across the Mere.

Sadly the female marsh harrier declined to come any closer to the hide.

One of eight buzzards seen over Island Mere today!  The corvids weren't happy.

This wren gave me a look as I headed towards the Wildlife Lookout......

.........as did this siskin.

Two tree creepers were showing off very nicely!

What a little beauty.

Mr Shoveler doing something other than shovelling!

Warp speed, Mr Shelduck.

This moorhen puts its best foot forward.

This oystercatcher foraged companionably with Mr and Mrs Wigeon.

Open wide!

A very handsome pair!

This robin was on edge.

Mr Chaffinch looks thoughtful as he potters.

A nice surprise -  a beautiful female reed bunting!

'I want a meal, not a flying saucer.'

Finishing with a chaffinch in the late afternoon sunlight.


Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Glad to hear there was minimal damage to Minsmere and good to see all the birds back enjoying the sunshine.  Love the treecreepers and what great close ups you got of them.   Such a lovely set of photos Clare.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Was Minsmere actually opened on Thursday Clare when Storm Doris hit the UK? The Lodge reserve was closed to the public for safety reasons and also the staff where sent home for there safety as well.



  • Like Hazel, I am glad to hear that there was not too much damage at Minsmere, Clare.  Shame about the fallen tree.  Looks like you had some sun and blue skies today as we did here in west Surrey.  Love your Robins, Tree Creepers and the Reed Bunting, well, all of them actually.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Glad Minsmere suffered minimal damage during the storm Clare, you have taken some lovely photos and show the birds just carry on regardless, love the Tree Creeper and the Reed Bunting, plus the Mallard with its glossy head showed up well when I opened this up on my PC.   Thanks for posting and cheering us up with the blue sky and calm water.

    Lot to learn

  • Thanks for the question Thomo

    In line with many other reserves, we were open initially, though with limited access. There was no access to any of the woodland areas. The car park and visitor centre were open, as were the paths to the beach and East Hide, and via the Whin Hill watchpoint to Island Mere.

    As the winds picked up during the day, we took the decision to close Minsmere to new visitors at 2 pm, and gradually evacuated the site. All visitors and staff were offsite before it got dark.

    In the end, damage at Minsmere was minimal - a couple of fallen trees and lots of branches, and following an inspection on Friday morning we opened as normal.

    Whenever severe weather is forecast, we always assess the nature of the warning, its likely impacts, and the risk to safely before deciding whether to close all or part of the reserve. Ultimately, though, most people make the decision for themselves, and we were very quiet on Thursday as potential visitors decided not to risk the visit.

  • Lovely record of your visit Clare,you saw lots of species.Particularly like your Treecreeper shots,I see them very rarely here. We don't get Marsh Harriers down here either so lovely to see yours!


    See my Flickr photos here.