A mute swan sunset at Eastbridge

It was pure luck that I got these photos.  I'd just left Minsmere after an afternoon on reception and was heading towards Eastbridge when I saw someone by the side of the road snapping away at something in the distance.  I looked in the direction he was snapping in and, to my surprise, saw a stunning barn owl!  I quickly stopped the car at got off a few snaps of it which later turned out to be terrible - but happily, these two swans caught my eye:

The light conditions were fantastic!

One of them then turns distinctly unsociable:

I hope you all like these.

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • The metaled bridge at Eastbridge was one of the best places to see barn owls in the area. There were nest boxes being used in Theberton woods and on "Four Winds". However the water meadows were flooded and underwater for several months in the winters two and three years ago and it seems the barn owls had moved further inland. Hopefully the fact that they are back will be a good sign for breeding this summer.

  • I should add that Barn Owls are a schedule 1 species and if you are visiting the sights of nesting Barn Owls it is illegal to approach the nest or young without a licence, so keep your distance please.