Glossy Ibis in the rain

As Clare mentioned in her thread, there's a Glossy Ibis hanging round the Minsmere area at the moment, moving between the scrapes and a flooded field on the edge of the reserve near Eastbridge village.  It seems quite laid back, coming pretty close to the edge of the field at times allowing great sightings.  Yesterday when Mrs WJ and I popped along to check it out, it was getting late in the day, dull and raining, so not the best to see the glossy feathers and all their colours, but at least there was the benefit of catching water droplets on its back.  So here, as demanded by Clare, a few images of this relatively rare visitor

You've got to love those feet!

The last time I saw a Glossy Ibis at Minsmere it was a long way out and difficult to get a decent shot of - so this one is particularly welcome :-)


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  • I didn't exactly demand ........... but I'm glad I asked as these are gorgeous!  I love seeing all the birds with over-sized feet, especially coots and moorhens (but I suppose this ibis will just have to do!!).

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I didn't exactly demand ........... but I'm glad I asked as these are gorgeous!  I love seeing all the birds with over-sized feet, especially coots and moorhens (but I suppose this ibis will just have to do!!).

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
