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Issues uploading images UPDATE 24/03/2014

We are aware that there are problems with the image uploader on the community. Please be assured, we are taking this very seriously. The problem has been raised with management staff within the RSPB and then to the software provider and we will continue to communicate with them to find a solution.

Also there was an issue over the weekend with the website as whole which may have caused problems displaying some pages. This is a separate issue which has now been addressed.

All relevant personnel are now aware of this problem, so it isn't necessary to contact staff directly on this matter.

Thank you once again for your patience

  • Hi all,

    Bit of an update for you, the technical team have this morning managed to trace an error to the point where the Preview is trying to load. This error is now being investigated by the software supplier support team. Again, we are treating this with urgency and will update you later this afternoon so you know if this is still being unravelled or whether it is solved.

    Kind Regards,


  • Our IS team plan to implement a job which will go on from 8pm this evening till 9am tomorrow.

    This may slow the performance of the community and the whole website, especially on pages with lots of images (as that is what the fix applies to).

    There is a chance you won't notice any change in website performance but if you do this is why.

    We will update you tomorrow to let you know if the fix has been successful.



  • Hello folks, just to update you all. No further work is planned overnite tonight as it is thought that the situation will continue to improve. Rest assured that our IS team will be closely monitoring the situation.

  • Hello all,

    Just as an update to how the fix went. As you can see and as you may have found, it worked! However you may still find that it is temperamental because it had to apply to every picture that has ever been uploaded to the community (well over a million files). This may mean the fix is still going on for another day/few days, so from now until it is complete we may see images appearing intermittently and the community may run slowly. Hopefully when it is finished this functionality will be more reliable.

    To help us in future, please can you check that the images you are uploading are - if possible - below 1mb.



  • Hi all,

    Hope you are all looking forward to the weekend and you manage to get out at some point to enjoy the predicted sunshine, I will be hoping to get out myself tomorrow morning to look for Adders and other reptiles as it looks nice!

    I have just spoken with our IS team who inform me that the upgrade will continue running over the weekend. Basically all files are being moved slowly, there is a backlog and so old pictures are being moved and even new pictures recently uploaded are being moved.

    When files move they can dissappear from the communities and will then reappear when they have successfully moved, new pictures move to, hence why many of them appear when you first upload them and then dissappear the next time you go to look. It is luck of the draw in what order they move and how quickly they will reappear and this is just something that needs to tick over and happen naturally, it will sort itself out when it does and there is no way it can be sped up.

    Tolerate it as best you can!

    I am once again at the Spring Country Fair representing the RSPB and talking wildlife gardening in London on Sunday but will try and check in and Claire will obviously be around and be back in the office Monday (I am back in the office Tuesday).

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Folks,

    I can now confirm that the image directory synchronisation was successfully completed over the weekend. Hopefully you will now see some inprovement. We now consider this particular issue as resolved.

    Thanks again for your patience and understanding,
