Desperately need help and advice

Since March 2021 my neighbours have been use high frequency motion/ bird repellents and I’ve contacted the council, spoke to the neighbours and they have denied this! Also  they switch them off when I have professional visitors. 
The impact on myself & my family have been detrimental and still continues. We feel fatigued, nauseous, loss of appetite, like red lines in our eyes as sometimes it’s so intense! Me and my 2 year old grandson have been affected with our ears to.My 11 year old always tired but my 21 year is okay but she to gets these red lines like electric waves in her eyes:(
I don’t what to do to prove this or where else to get help Disappointed

Each day is a big struggle and I hate leaving my children at home as don’t know how bad this can get when I’m not here. 

  • Hello Annette, sorry to hear about this problem. It sounds quite horrific. Surley there has to be somone to be able to help you. I would contact the council again, if you have no luck with them then go to Citizens Advice. Hopefully you can get this sorted, you can't live next door to someone that is doing something that effects you and your family's health to the extent that I read it seems to be doing. good luck.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Hi

    it's a civil not a criminal matter- but maybe ring a solicitor for advice.  I assume you contacted the local Environmental health officer?

    My impression is they normally project  the sound from a unit in the garden so it should be visible and it should not penetrate a house wall or window. 

    Councils use similar to stop teenagers gathering in certain places .


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Thanks you and think it’s indoors because I’ve not noticed anything outside
    . Also depending who visits they have control to switch it off.
    Enviromental came done visits but that day was all nice and quite.
  • Annette395 said:

    Me and my 2 year old grandson have been affected with our ears to.

    I'm far from knowledgeable, though I do feel there may be some practical aspects that can be picked up on.

    I've highlighted one sentence, which suggests there is something that MAY BE recordable. However, not experiencing the noise, I'm not able to make a judgement, hence why I've bolded and underlined MAY BE.

    Most smart phones/devices today have  a decent audio/sound recording capability, so if you're able to get a recording, and the noise is being a great health nuisance, perhaps a chat with the GP/Practice Nurse and or Environmental Health dept, may be of some help.