Removal of hedges and trees in Black Rock Gardens, Brighton.

Please can anyone help?  

Brighton and Hove City Council has just commenced grubbing-up all the hedges and shrubs in this park on the seafront.  This area provides a valuable winter roosting refuge and an important nesting site in spring and summer for hundreds of song birds, including sparrows, robins, wrens, dunnocks, blackbirds, wagtails, thrushes, Lind-tailed tits etc., This action will be really devastating for the birds, as they have nowhere else to go.  I’d understand if they wanted to prune the trees and bushes so they don’t encroach on the paths, but to remove all growth to leave nothing but grass and soil is pure vandalism.

I have sent an e-mail to the council, but I fear that by the time they respond the damage will have been done, as already around 20% of the trees and bushes have gone in less than a day.

Thank you!