Plants, flowers and shrubs 2022; Share your photos here

After a successful thread started back in March 2020 at the start of the first lockdown, its probably about time to start a new one for 2022. Thank you to all for your contributions, no matter how small or big, each has been valuable and interesting, and hopefully you will continue to contribute to the 2022 thread.

The old thread: Plants, flowers and shrubs; Share your photos here can be viewed on the link below

I'll kickstart this thread with some snowdrops that have come out in flower, crocuses will be out in many places soon, and then daffodils, and many more to follow throughout the year, and it will be nice to see what wild or garden plants, flowers or shrubs you come across on your wanders or around your garden. Without these plants, flowers and shrubs, nature would struggle to survive, they all a part of the valuable cycle of life, insects need them, birds need the insects, and so on through to the mammals,

I mentioned daffodils, these shoots are growing very well among the snowdrops, and  it won't be long before the bluebells start showing shoots...

  • I found a Wildflower in the grass 


  • Hucclecote, Gloucestershire at Teckles outside the dog shop and place they get there hair cut 

  •  in Autumn as Winter approaches flowers start to die back and other wild plants so can make places seem very dry and dull .
    Regardless of weather its In a garden or out and about if you look around you might notice there are some.   they can be easily overlooked or seen as just another weed. But they beneficial to pollinaters cause there packed with pollen and a lot of pollinaters like Bumblebees Exspeacially love them and they can help Late Bumblebees through Autumn. So in the end with this plant the Beuty lies within the flower. It defiantly brought some colour to the dog walk 

      I looked around for any flowers or anything in Hucclecote on a dog walk just about all of them had gone  except one 

    Next to the Rugby Pitch, Hucclecote 

  • The Border Nasturtiums 

    This one is next to Dogwood Wildlife were particularly fond of the Dogwood One species of Moth  used it for shelter for a whole afternoon and a type of Spider That has started increasing rapidly down this way in Gloucestershire made a home on One of the leafs. 

    I put Nasturtium seeds in the border and some in my wildflower pots. I put one or two in myborders from the Wildflower pot but these ones In the photos werent put in from my pot. They were already growing in my border. They are very big. Some are bigger than the others though.  

     This is how big the Nasturtiums have got 

  • Some of this one in my other border has been eaten  

    This is one of the ones I put in from my pot 

  • The Wildlife love my seedlings. The aphids are attracting Ladybeetles into the garden 

    Which is a natural predator 

    A lot of my seedlings are doing very well cause there a lot bigger than they were when 

    Last month like The big long one on the left 

  • Wednesday 2nd November 2022 

    Coaly Peak, Stroud,  Gloucestershire AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and SSI  SIte of scientific interest site a protected area. 

    White Deadnettle 

  • I thought that all 'dead nettles' had 'white flowers' Zo, or am I wrong?
    More importantly, why are they 'flowering' at this time of the year (autumn)?

    My 'runner beans' gave up flowering ~a month ago and I've now relegated them to the compost heap.

    Kind regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat).
  • dead nettles have the lobed flowers but the colour is different for the differant species of deadnettle. Red Dead nettle has Red or purple flowers but White Deadnettle just has white flowers. Yellow archangel has yellow flowers and can be seen from May to June. Red Dead nettle apears from March to October. White Deadnettle can be seen from March through to December