After a successful thread started back in March 2020 at the start of the first lockdown, its probably about time to start a new one for 2022. Thank you to all for your contributions, no matter how small or big, each has been valuable and interesting, and hopefully you will continue to contribute to the 2022 thread.
The old thread: Plants, flowers and shrubs; Share your photos here can be viewed on the link below
I'll kickstart this thread with some snowdrops that have come out in flower, crocuses will be out in many places soon, and then daffodils, and many more to follow throughout the year, and it will be nice to see what wild or garden plants, flowers or shrubs you come across on your wanders or around your garden. Without these plants, flowers and shrubs, nature would struggle to survive, they all a part of the valuable cycle of life, insects need them, birds need the insects, and so on through to the mammals,
I mentioned daffodils, these shoots are growing very well among the snowdrops, and it won't be long before the bluebells start showing shoots...
Flickr: Peak Rambler
I found these Cyclamen Daffodil at the Berwick Memorial, NT Attingham at the weekend
Cin J
The Daisy is opening or closeing and with Spurge The yellow are actually flowers. I only got a few photos but there wasn’t any other Wildflowers at the time
Marsh marigold
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)
Crab apple tree starting to bloom...although we have hail and sunshine today ;-)
I think thats a good photo Theres blossoms nearby dotted across the local area in a line so there was blossom petals on the floor out the front and in the garden when I was in the garden cause it was so windy yesterday a blosssom petal landed on my head and made me jump after that I realised it was raining blossom petals then it started raining and then when it stoped raining it rained catkins cause there’s a hornbeam tree in the garden which grows papery helicopters and catkins
Plants/ Wildflowers
This one is ragwort but it hasn’t flowered yet
This is one was a speedwell but a trailing one. I had to lift it up
to take a picture
Another Wildflower