Plants, flowers and shrubs; Share your photos here

As I sit here, on yet another dismal, wet and grey weekend, chomping away at some toast and marmalade Mrs PR has kindly done for me, along with a nice cuppa, and sorting through the few photos I've managed to grab so far this year, I think I recalled a thread some time back of plants or flowers people have seen, but couldn't find anything in the searches.

So, without further ado, I thought why not set a thread up for , where all can share their photos, not just in the wild, but the garden, local municipal parks, anywhere, because without these plants, there wouldn't be nature.

It's not unusual to see flowers virtually all year through, not because of global warming, climate change or whatever scenario you prefer to use, but because some plants are hardy and prefer to be winter borne. But for many, the first flowers they really see properly, are snowdrops in February, followed by crocuses (late February- Mach) and then the delightful daffodils (March/April)., bluebells (April time), and much more.

So lets put some colour back into the grey world, spring is coming, so here's a few to set things going.

February; snowdrops

February: Sweet Violet

March: the first daffs in bloom

March: always a sign that spring is on the way, the primrose

March; crocuses (from a local municipal park)

March; mini daffs in our garden

and some proper daffs in the garden, starting to bloom

BTW, I've seen my second bee of the year, having a nosey around the daffs above, the first was late Feb, the second was earlier today, but on both occasions, the weather wasn't right to get the camera out...

  • I decided to go out on the bike yesterday. It allows me to get further away although I was cream-crackered afterwards. Luckily, the Tour de France has been put back as I may need a little more training! Anyway, I ended up in a wooded area where I happened upon a certain blue carpet, so for anyone who's missed the Bluebells this year, here are some photos.

    If I'd known I might have planned it to get the right light at the right time of day but these were the best I could do under the circumstances!


    Nige   Flickr

  • Thank you
    Yes we have missed being able to walk to our local woods,which always has delightful display, so do appreciate.

    Now out again on your Bike, get those joints moving CHOL:):)


  • What a beautiful sight to see the carpet of Bluebells, I've only seen an odd clump here and there along the country tracks so lovely to see these gorgeous photos Nige. A good way to keep fit cycling but how do you lug all the camera gear except with the help of a large rucksack lol Maybe stick to macro and landscape lenses as you don't want to crunch that big lens !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Lovely photos Nige, I'm missing my visits to the bluebell locations with the current lockdown, so its nice to see your pics, and any others that may appear.

  • Thanks all

    Unknown said:
    but how do you lug all the camera gear except with the help of a large rucksack lol Maybe stick to macro and landscape lenses as you don't want to crunch that big lens !

    I'm afraid the big lens has been temporarily furloughed. I'm currently relying on it's little brother (the 200-500mm) and the macro. However, that's the walk-in-the-park gear. On the bike, I only took the wide angle landscape lens. I know some might argue but I'm not completely bonkers! Slight smile Perhaps I should have taken a birding lens with me though because then you might have seen shots of two Jays romping happily through the bluebells together. Fabulous to watch but it only ever happens when you're not prepared!!


    Nige   Flickr

  • Unknown said:
    Fabulous to watch but it only ever happens when you're not prepared!!

    Been there, done that, etc...….   LOL          The landscape and macro lenses are always a lovely change from using the zoom.   


    Regards, Hazel 

  • A before and after shot in the garden a few days ago. And a bee on Cotoneaster all on macro

  • You are having more fun and good results from the new macro lens Tony, Well done, nice to have such a pretty splash of colour in the garden.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Have no idea why I've never owned a macro lens before Hazel, I just love using it and thanks to my wife's 35mm slide digitisation project. The aliums give a great splash of colour and had some what swamped the borders after we thought it would be a great idea to scatter seed around the garden, we've dug up and given hundreds away the last 2 years.
  • The erysimum has a lot more flowers showing, and is probably getting close to max.

    The Mountain House Leek has new shoots,

    The pond lily's have a few more leaves opened, giving more shade for the fish. The green wire netting has had to be added to try and thwart a very hungry heron that keeps visiting.

    And last but by no means least, buttercups. It'll be a shame when the grass next gets cut!