Good eggs - moving forward poll

In response to the concerns about our plans with this scheme I have constructed the below poll to canvass opinion across the community regarding the future of the Good Egg scheme. It will be run for a week and will remain sticky during this time. Please cast your vote and make constructive comments if appropriate. If more than one choice is applicable, tell us in a comment below.

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • ChristineB said:
    Having said that I think Doggie most definitely deserves a badge of recognition because never a post goes unanswered.  Whenever anyone puts up a new thread he unfailing ensures that everyone receives at least one reply. 

    Absolutely right

  • Yes, agree completely that both MC and Doggie deserve recognition for their services to birds and the Community!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Yes, agree completely that Scylla Tiger  MC and Doggie deserve recognition for their services to birds and the Community!

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Ian,sorry,I was obviously wrong about doggie,it seemed he had missed out.Apologies.  

  • Agree with Limpy's comment (page 3) that in addition to MC and Doggie, Scylla and Tiger deserve recognition for services to birds and the Community!  I also agree with other posters that forum-ites are ALL good eggs for feeding  birds and doing other things to help the environment, but some people have gone beyond our usual efforts!

    IanH, Sorry but I just cannot vote for any of the choices in your poll, but Frankie's suggestion of putting previous Good Egg badges on profile pages is an acceptable compromise, but voting for that option is not (yet!) one of the choices!  If the RSPB wish to stop issuing more Good Egg awards and issue new awards, that is ok, too, but I agree with several others that correcting those still unsolved problems which came with the 'update' needs attention before dealing with any award scheme!  I only put in my view a couple days ago (on another Good Egg thread which has disappeared during the nearly 2 days when I was not on the forum!) simply because I was moved by the heart-felt views of a forum-ite who was distressed that the cherished award was going to be erased!  So I vote for GE badges on profile pages, please, and I vote to encourage and thank the techies who are working to fix the remaining problems!  (And please to hurry up--thanks!)

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Doggie's efforts were appreciated, and he was awarded a Good Egg. It is just his icon/badge that is missing. I'm posting this because he is taking a break from the forum.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Thanks, Sparrow, I think Doggie told us but it may have been on the thread which has disappeared.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • I hope Doggie does not stay away too long as I personally have a great respect for him.  People like Doggie work very hard on the RSPB Community and are always willing to  help people on here and you never know where he is going to pop up next to help someone.    

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • He will be missed he certainly helped a lot on some techie stuff,I.m lost on that/Enjoy your birding Alan hurry back lad


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Doggie was a one man help desk. I suspect he was just taking too much on his shoulders and needed a break from it. Take it easy Alan and come back when you feel refreshed.



    My Flickr Photostream