Good eggs - moving forward poll

In response to the concerns about our plans with this scheme I have constructed the below poll to canvass opinion across the community regarding the future of the Good Egg scheme. It will be run for a week and will remain sticky during this time. Please cast your vote and make constructive comments if appropriate. If more than one choice is applicable, tell us in a comment below.

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • The T&C link worked fine for me on this page, but I did wonder (as Community homepage was mentioned) whether it was just a single page link error.  Unfortunately, I'd forgotten that the home page has that never ending scroll feature, so every time I reached the bottom and went for the link, whoosh!  It disappeared down the page again!

    There duly followed a ridiculous 5 minute period where I got more and more determined not to be defeated by the blasted thing.  I WOULD test that link!!  My clicking got more and more frantic until....

    Success!!  I did it!

    And after all that?  It worked.




    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Yes,WJ, That is what happens if one attempts to use that link. Perhaps my post on the topic could have been moved to the Technical Difficulties thread instead of being chopped!

    I have been able to re-read the Ts&Cs. Thanks Marjus for the link.

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Edgebander, Thanks for the link--very cute!

    Kind regards, Ann


    Voting ended, thanks to the 30+ people who voted/commented. The results are below. I'll remove this from the sticky list and we'll step away from this for a while.

    What would like to see happen with the good egg scheme that would bring an end to the negativity?

    • Draw it to a close, it has served its purpose (41.2%)
    • Continue with the scheme as it was before the upgrade (no icons) (5.9%)
    • Forum members and current good eggs nominate GE post of the month award (20.6%)
    • I just want my icon (8.8%)
    • Draw it to a temporary close until we know what new functionality appears (11.8%)
    • What is this Good egg scheme anyway (11.8%)

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.