Good eggs - moving forward poll

In response to the concerns about our plans with this scheme I have constructed the below poll to canvass opinion across the community regarding the future of the Good Egg scheme. It will be run for a week and will remain sticky during this time. Please cast your vote and make constructive comments if appropriate. If more than one choice is applicable, tell us in a comment below.

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Ann I too posted on the 'other thread' and I'm very angry that censorship now appears to have raised its ugly head in the Community.

    I really hope that Alan's decision to walk away for a while isn't related to that. I'm on the brink of giving up myself.

  • See Gull, Please do not give up, though a short holiday might be a good idea for many of us--must keep the blood pressure down!  Maybe Alan wants a holiday himself--it IS August!  As for the other thread, I have no idea what happened there and will not speculate in print, tempting though that is!  It is annoying but, fortunately, it seems a compromise has been arranged.  Now, for some light relief, I hope someone posts some silly birdy cartoons--and soon!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:
    As for the other thread, I have no idea what happened there and will not speculate in print, tempting though that is!

    I might appear a bit dense today, but what other thread and what has happened to Alan.  I am very tempted to walk away as I don't post that much really but hope there isn't a general exodus going on.

  • Unknown said:

    Ann I too posted on the 'other thread' and I'm very angry that censorship now appears to have raised its ugly head in the Community.

    I really hope that Alan's decision to walk away for a while isn't related to that. I'm on the brink of giving up myself.

    I am unsure as to what you feel has been censored here see gull, so perhaps I could kindly ask you to clarify this. Please be aware that posts or threads that are abusive, disruptive, or irrelevant may be deleted if they contravene our terms and conditions. Comments that also air claims of personal or organisational grievance will also be removed.


  • My 'activity' showed I had a couple of posts deleted the other day but I can't tell which thread they were in. I am certain I've not posted anything abusive or disruptive but I guess irrelevant is a possibility!

  • Limpy said:

    Yes, agree completely that Scylla Tiger  MC and Doggie deserve recognition for their services to birds and the Community!

    Someone has alerted me to LIMPY's kind suggestion, but I want it on record that I would not be a candidate for such an honour because I am always teetering on the edge and the pressure might tip me over!  I'm serious.

  • Unknown said:

    Ann I too posted on the 'other thread' and I'm very angry that censorship now appears to have raised its ugly head in the Community.

    Morning, as it was my decision to delete the 'other thread'  I wanted to explain why. Whilst there were many constructive comments on that thread, which I acknowledged and we have stored in our admin area, many of the posts were as I put on my closing post 'just plain unnacceptable for this site'. The thread was no longer constructive and it needed moderating. Before I deleted it I gave fair warning and posted my reasons for doing so. This is an unusual step for a moderator to take but we will remove posts or threads if things spiral out of control. It's not censorship, it's moderating, we have terms and conditions to adhere to, breach them and we step in with what we consider an appropriate response.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I must have fallen asleep and missed the tail end of that thread :-)


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Hello, just doing an edit on this thread to take it back on topic, if you see your post disappear, apologies it's me chopping it back! And by the way, the T's and C's link worked for me as well. No idea what is causing your problems Claire but it doesn't seem to be effecting others.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.