Good eggs - moving forward poll

In response to the concerns about our plans with this scheme I have constructed the below poll to canvass opinion across the community regarding the future of the Good Egg scheme. It will be run for a week and will remain sticky during this time. Please cast your vote and make constructive comments if appropriate. If more than one choice is applicable, tell us in a comment below.

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • There is no option that I can answer.  I really like the idea of nominating a POSTER (not a post) of the month as I think consistency should be rewarded.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • For what it is worth, I don't think awards will attract new members.  Are there any young members who have been awarded to date?

    What young people interested in birds/ wildlfe/ conservation want, I think, is an easy to use forum where they feel free to express opinions and views without necessarily being committed to a brand. if the RSPB take the right approach in this regard, the organisation may benefit in the future.

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Just stumbled upon this so I'll add my my tuppence worth.  Surely we are all 'Good Eggs' by virtue of feeding our feathered friends and trying to attract butterflies, bees and wildlife, in general, into our gardens? Not to mention our (and my) monthly donation.

    I must admit I find it quite intimidating on the forum to be met with big yellow 'Good Egg' badges on the postings and to me it suggests that the rest of us are not doing enough for the birds and nature in general!

    I agree, in principle, to the good egg award, for people like MC for his multiple rescues of our feathered friends, but to award one for a 'good post' undermines the whole Good Egg award.

  • KatyBirdy said:
    I agree, in principle, to the good egg award, for people like MC for his multiple rescues of our feathered friends, but to award one for a 'good post' undermines the whole Good Egg award.

    I couldn't agree with this more.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks for your comments over night and this morning.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • KatyBirdy said:
    but to award one for a 'good post' undermines the whole Good Egg award.

    Exactly  what I thought back in 2011

  • Thanks Tiger, not really the sort of constructive feedback we were hoping for to be honest. We were hoping to get some feedback on how to take this forward rather than looking back. However, the revised scheme served the forum well through it's time and we got to share many an interesting post.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Regards to sparrow, Doggie and bobs posts about retaining icons, we offered the compromise of keeping them in the badges section of the profile rather than on every post, so yes we do do history, we know where we come from and we are proud of our past.

    I'm not sure if this was a slight on the new brand, which would be going way off topic but to reply to that, we are still very much about birds but we are doing what we are doing in a new way and we are no longer shy about talking about the work we have always done for all nature. After all, you cannot have a healthy bird population without a full and functioning ecosystem.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I agree wholeheartedly with KatyBirdy that we are all, in our own ways, doing our best for the birds and personally I don't think it necessary to award Good Egg posts.  Yes, the people who have been awarded them so far,  have definitely done a fabulous job within the community, but it is beginning to feel, with those enormous yellow badges, a little bit like those who have, and those who haven't!

    Having said that I think Doggie most definitely deserves a badge of recognition because never a post goes unanswered.  Whenever anyone puts up a new thread he unfailing ensures that everyone receives at least one reply.  Good on you Alan!!

    See my Flickr photos here


  • Totally agree about Doggie - and monkeycheese deserves a medal as big as a dustbin lid.
